Fish Fingers and Custard Day - April 3
Wed, Apr 3, 2024

Fish Fingers and Custard Day

Fish Fingers and Custard Day is an annual American holiday commemorating the most famous episode of the television series Doctor Who. Of course, many people would call the combination of fish meat and dessert disgusting, but since then there have been many fans of this combination! The holiday is celebrated on April 3.


The opening episode of season 5 of the television series shows a scene where the doctor, played by the famous actor Matt Smith, devours fish sticks with cream with gusto. According to the plot, Smith’s character meets Amelia Pond and quickly finds common ground with her. After regenerating, he asks the girl to cook him something. However, the dish does not satisfy the doctor’s desire and he goes to the refrigerator, where he finds fish sticks and custard.

Such an unusual scene from the TV series gave rise to a new culinary alliance, whose fans proposed the creation of Fish Fingers and Custard Day. The idea was approved by the BBC and today we can enjoy or hate this dish, but the popularity of the holiday will not decrease in any way!

Interesting facts

  • The original custard recipe that goes with fish sticks includes vanilla.
  • The recipe for fish sticks was first published in a British magazine in 1900.
  • To prepare the right sticks, it is best to use fillets of pollock or hake. Many people also take pikeperch fillets.

How to celebrate

Make yourself this dish at Fish Fingers and Custard Day. Perhaps you’ll enjoy this combination and join the massive fan base! Don’t forget to watch Doctor Who that day, too!

Tell about the holiday on social networks. Ask users if they’ve tried the combination of fish sticks and custard. What were their impressions?

When is Fish Fingers and Custard Day celebrated in 2024?

Fish Fingers and Custard Day is observed on April 3 each year.


Wednesday April 3 2024
Thursday April 3 2025
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