April Showers Day - April 22
Mon, Apr 22, 2024

April Showers Day

April Showers Day is an American holiday created in honor of April showers. During this month there is a lot of rain falling from the sky, which is very important for all agricultural land. Plants get enough moisture to grow fully, producing a good crop. It is celebrated annually on April 22.


The exact date of April Showers Day is unknown, but we do know that it was established by, a website that makes and sells greeting cards of all kinds. The holiday is especially dedicated to the downpours that occur in Britain and Ireland. They are brought by high-speed air currents blowing northward.

The expression that April rains bring May rains is firmly rooted in society. It comes from a poem written in 1610. A similar phrase can also be found in the introduction to the work we know as The Canterbury Tales. So, get ready to bring your favorite umbrella, hooded jacket or raincoat on this day and for the coming week.

Interesting facts

  • Rain is an excellent example of the natural circulation of water in nature.
  • Some people may be allergic to rain (water is saturated with various bacteria that provoke allergic reactions). The person’s skin becomes red, their eyes may become watery, their breathing may become heavier, etc. It is very rare, about 1 person in a million.
  • Mount Waialaele in Hawaii is the rainiest place on the planet.

How to celebrate

Learn more interesting facts about rain. Buy a new umbrella or raincoat this holiday. If it’s raining outside, take a walk under an umbrella and enjoy the noise and smell of it.

Share information about the holiday on social networks. Find out from users, do they like walking in the rain?

When April Showers Day celebrated in 2024?

April Showers Day is observed on April 22 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Monday April 22 2024
Tuesday April 22 2025

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