Worldwide Howl at the Moon Night - October 26
Sat, Oct 26, 2024

Worldwide Howl at the Moon Night

Worldwide Howl at the Moon Night is on October 26 every year. This day not only coincides with the beloved Halloween season but also reflects the concern for wolves. As an essential part of the ecosystem, wolves are often subject to animal cruelty, which is largely unknown to many. We urge everyone to not only have fun but also to think about these issues.


Worldwide Howl at the Moon Night was created in 2009 by animator Johnny DePalma. He had a strong affinity for animals, and his idea was simply to howl at the moon in order to show his solidarity. Many organizations devoted to the conservation and protection of wolves are actively working today. They are trying to provide wolves born in captivity or injured by hunters with a comfortable habitat.

Researchers have proven that wolves were present 1.5 million years ago, and evolved from miacids, which existed 50 million years earlier. Wolves are incredibly intelligent animals: they work together in groups to reach their goals, they recognize and adapt to their surroundings, and have courage and nobility. In North America, there are wolves with an unusual, deep black coloring. This is thought to be a result of a mutation caused by the crossing of a dog and a wolf.

Interesting Facts

  • Wolves are capable of distinguishing up to 200 million odors and have a sense of smell 100 times sharper than humans.
  • They communicate with each other through howling, not barking like dogs.
  • Wolves are not amenable to training, but have developed facial expressions.
  • Breeding only happens in winter.
  • They are devoted to one companion throughout their life.
  • They are not afraid of people.
  • Studies at the University of Vienna have proven that wolves are smarter than dogs.

How to Take Part

To participate in Worldwide Howl at the Moon Night, you can go outside and howl at the moon with like-minded people! You can also learn more about these majestic animals and find ways to help them. Donations to a wolf conservation organization of any amount are always welcome. Finally, you can spread awareness about the importance of wolves to others.

When is Worldwide Howl at the Moon Night in 2024?

Worldwide Howl at the Moon Night is observed on October 26 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Saturday October 26 2024
Sunday October 26 2025
Monday October 26 2026
Tuesday October 26 2027
Thursday October 26 2028
Friday October 26 2029