Worldwide Day of Giving - June 15
Sun, Jun 15, 2025

Worldwide Day of Giving

On June 15, we invite you to become part of the Worldwide Day of Giving holiday, which teaches you to give without expecting anything in return. It’s not about money; you can donate things, books, or time – whatever you can share for the benefit of people in need, without harming yourself.


The history of Worldwide Day of Giving began in 2010. A man named Reed decided to hand out $10 a day to strangers for a year. For 365 days, he shared detailed stories on social media about the people he helped and their difficult life stories. Reed himself had lost his job but focused on helping people in need. He dedicated the year-long action to his mother, who had cared for strangers all her life.

Reed did not seek to change the lives of the people he met – $10 is unlikely to make serious adjustments – but a good deed can surely make the world kinder.

Interesting Facts

  • Worldwide Day of Giving can be celebrated anywhere in the world; doing good has no limits.
  • After the end of his personal year of charity, Reed continued to volunteer once a week.
  • Charity should not be associated only with money; share what other people need, and be generous.
  • The main condition of the Worldwide Day of Giving is to give selflessly, without expecting anything in return.

How to Take Part

  • Hand out $10 each to strangers on the street. Talk to the person and ask how they plan to spend it.
  • Volunteer with any charitable organization or foundation. Today, charity is actively developing in many cities; some projects require no more than half an hour a day.
  • Donate money to medical institutions, to help sick children, and to animal shelters.
  • Talk about charity and donations on social media. Involve as many people as possible in good deeds.

You will be genuinely surprised how happy the people you help will become and how happy you will become.

When is Worldwide Day of Giving in 2025?

Worldwide Day of Giving is observed on June 15 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday June 15 2025
Monday June 15 2026
Tuesday June 15 2027
Thursday June 15 2028
Friday June 15 2029