World Logic Day - January 14
Tue, Jan 14, 2025

World Logic Day

World Logic Day is an international holiday celebrating the importance of logic. It is on January 14th. This day is designed to emphasize the great role of logic in the life of every person and society as a whole. Logic reflects the human essence, distinguishing us from animals. Through reasoning, we learn about the world around us and develop as individuals.


World Logic Day was established by UNESCO on November 26, 2019, and has been every year on January 14 since then. Its purpose is to draw the attention of researchers and society to the importance of logic.

Logic has been one of the main philosophical concepts throughout history. It can be thought of as a procedure for learning the principles of correct reasoning. What is meant by this description? We all analyze the information that comes to us. Based on the data received, the brain builds a certain logical chain, thanks to which we can make informed decisions or form different points of view.

Our whole life is built on logic, and we often don’t even think about it. Let’s take an example. An apple can be cut into pieces. An apple is a fruit and it is soft, so we can cut it with a kitchen knife. Conclusion: an apple can be cut into pieces with a knife.

Interesting facts

  • Logic is not just simple reasoning. Thanks to logic, we can adapt to changing conditions and find solutions to the most difficult situations.
  • Logic as a meaningful concept arose in the 4th century BC in ancient Greece, thanks to Aristotle.
  • Today, logic is not only a philosophical concept used to solve life problems but also an important element in mathematical sciences and programming.

How to celebrate

You can celebrate World Logic Day both on your own and with your family or friends. Go through various IQ tests, compete in solving logical problems, and study the role of logic in philosophy and modern sciences in more detail. Create your own logic tests.

Share information about the holiday on social networks. Discuss with other users how often you use logic in real life, how you train it, and so on.

When is World Logic Day in 2025?

World Logic Day is observed on January 14 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Tuesday January 14 2025
Wednesday January 14 2026
Thursday January 14 2027
Friday January 14 2028
Sunday January 14 2029

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