VFW Day - September 29
Sun, Sep 29, 2024

VFW Day is observed every year on September 29. On this day, society celebrates the brave and noble deeds of men and women who served in the US Army. The abbreviation VFW stands for Veterans of Foreign Wars. This organization supports American military personnel who took part in military conflicts over the years.


The organization was founded in 1913, when the convention was held in Pittsburgh. It was organized by three associations of veterans that appeared in the late 19th century after the end of the Spanish-American War. The merger occurred between veterans of the Foreign Service, as well as two branches of the military. Their units were located in Ohio and Pennsylvania, as well as in Colorado. The VFW was founded in 1899, but the actual merger took place only in 1913. The headquarters were based in Kansas.

Interesting Facts

  • The official mission of the VFW is to strengthen comradely relations between veterans and help them adapt after difficult life events.
  • Representatives of the organization have the right to speak on behalf of veterans.
  • More than 1.5 million people are members of the organization, and branches operate in all 50 US states, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region.
  • Only US citizens can join the organization.

How to Take Part

Express your gratitude and respect to veterans. This can be done personally if there are participants in military conflicts among your friends, or by organizing an event in honor of the heroes. Share the event on social media and encourage people to join the initiative and thank veterans for their courage. Volunteer with an organization that helps members of the military.

When is VFW Day in 2024?

VFW Day is observed on September 29 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday September 29 2024
Monday September 29 2025
Tuesday September 29 2026
Wednesday September 29 2027
Friday September 29 2028
Saturday September 29 2029