Thumb Appreciation Day - February 18
Tue, Feb 18, 2025

Thumb Appreciation Day

Pluto Day is a holiday loved by astronomers, physicists, and other space scientists from all over the world. It is annually on February 18. On this day, everyone remembers the most mysterious planet of the solar system. Perhaps someday, intelligent life will be discovered on Pluto, and the inhabitants of Earth will be able to establish contact with the local inhabitants.


The planet Pluto was discovered by an American astronomer named Clyde Tombaugh. This outstanding scientist devoted his life to the study of space. He lived to be 90 years old and bequeathed his ashes to be scattered near the surface of Pluto. His last wish was granted. Pluto Day is officially by astronomers around the world but is not listed as a state holiday in any country. The only station ever sent from Earth to Pluto is New Horizons, which has been in outer space since 2006.

Interesting Facts

  • The official announcement of the discovery of the planet Pluto took place on February 18, 1930. In 1905, the American astronomer Percival Lowell proved the existence of another planet in the solar system through mathematical calculations. Initially, it was called Planet X.
  • An American schoolgirl suggested naming the new planet after the character from ancient Greek myths who constantly hides in the dark.
  • Conducting research on Pluto is quite difficult, so it is called the most mysterious planet discovered by humans.
  • Pluto has the harshest conditions. The temperature there reaches minus 230 degrees Celsius, and one year on Pluto lasts as long as two thousand Earth years.
  • There is fresh water on the surface of Pluto, with three times as many glaciers as on Earth. Pluto is six times smaller than the Moon, so many modern astronomers do not consider it an independent planet.

How to Celebrate

To celebrate this holiday, you should read books about space or listen to space music. A good option is to spend a starry night with a telescope. Astronomers hold scientific conferences and seminars on this day to discuss the problems of Pluto and other planets.

When is Pluto Day in 2025?

Pluto Day is observed on February 18 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Tuesday February 18 2025
Wednesday February 18 2026
Thursday February 18 2027
Friday February 18 2028
Sunday February 18 2029