Sourest Day - October 25
Fri, Oct 25, 2024

Sour Day is the perfect holiday for those who love to eat something sour! Think lollipops, sweets, marmalade, cookies, sauerkraut, or a slice of lemon – anything that can please the taste buds and even change facial expressions! Celebrate this special day and indulge in sour pleasure while teaching others to appreciate the pleasant tension in the mouth from sour products!


Sour Day was founded by Richard Unkley of Michigan in 1977 in honor of his friend Sauer. Since then, the date has become nationwide – every year more and more people join the celebration. Interestingly, this holiday originally had nothing to do with sour foods.

Sour foods have been around for centuries, even before mankind. Scientists have found that the first harvest of the lemon tree could have been around 8 million years ago! Over the centuries, people have experimented with tastes and combinations, inventing gourmet dishes. In the 1st century BC, the Koreans perfected the fermentation of cabbage and other vegetables – now our favorite kimchi; the Germans did the same and invented sauerkraut in the 16th century, which is still popular today.

Summer lemonade was created in 1640 in Paris by mixing lemon juice with water and honey. The classic version of this drink originated in America over 130 years ago. Sour candies only became popular in the 1970s.

Interesting facts

Here are some interesting facts about sauerkraut:

  • It saturates the body with nutrients.
  • It improves the digestive system.
  • It strengthens the immune system.
  • It fights obesity.
  • It may help prevent the appearance of cancer.
  • It improves the condition of the skin and eyes.

How to take part

The best way to celebrate Sour Day is to eat the perfect sour dish – be it homemade, store-bought, or ordered in a café. You can also send a card or a tasty surprise to someone with a “sour face” – to bring a smile to their face!

When is Sour Day in 2024?

Sour Day is observed on October 25 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Friday October 25 2024
Saturday October 25 2025
Sunday October 25 2026
Monday October 25 2027
Wednesday October 25 2028
Thursday October 25 2029