Scrabble Day - April 13
Sat, Apr 13, 2024

Scrabble Day

If your favorite board game is to make words out of letters, on April 13 you can celebrate Scrabble Day; play another game in the company of friends. This simple, fascinating entertainment has an army of fans. Most prefer exercising the mind, with a sense of superiority over their less intelligent rivals.


Scrabble is a board game, which consists of making up words on the playing field using special tiles, with printed letters of the alphabet. The aim of the game is to win, scoring as many points as possible for composing the word. The game can participate from 2 to 4 people.

The story of Scrabble Day is tightly connected to a man named Alfred Mosher Butts. In 1929, the country was facing the Great Depression – poverty, hunger, unemployment, etc. He decided to help people distract and relax by creating a game, the idea for which he took from crossword puzzles and other word games. He was a big fan of them. The word games were also accompanied by scoring to keep the players competitive. The first name was LEXIKO, later changed, but the publishers did not appreciate his idea and rejected the game.

The current name Scrabble came later, when Butts met D. Burno. He took an interest in the development and helped refine the rules and design. The result was not long in coming! In 1948 the trademark was registered, and the game began its great march across the United States, and later – around the world.

Interesting facts

  • Its predecessor was a word game called Lexico.
  • Vocabulary of modern Scrabble is updated regularly, and includes modern slang and specific terms from the information technology field.
  • Scrabble playing boards for the visually impaired use the Braille font, helping people with poor eyesight to easily read the information.
  • Every 60 minutes, 30 thousand rounds are played.
  • This international game is available in 120 countries.

Choose 7 letters and start your exciting journey into the world of words. There are many interesting discoveries!

How to celebrate

Get together with friends or family for a game of Scrabble! If you’ve never played before, the holiday is a great reason to learn the rules and try your hand at this board game!

Tell about the holiday on social networks. Ask users if they’ve played Scrabble. What do they think of the game?

When is Scrabble Day celebrated in 2024?

Scrabble Day is observed on April 13 each year.


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