Never Bean Better Day - August 22
Thu, Aug 22, 2024

Never Bean Better Day

Never Bean Better Day is a holiday that celebrates therapy animals and the positive impact they have on people’s lives. Pet therapy is a method of treating individuals with the help of various animals, such as dogs, cats, horses, and dolphins. Studies have shown that communication with animals can improve the condition of patients with many different diseases.


Never Bean Better Day is on August 22nd, which is the birthday of the famous therapy dog named Bean. Bean, a Golden Retriever, was born in 2009 in Morgantown, Pennsylvania. In 2011, Bean became officially registered as a therapy dog and began working in hospitals, rehab centers, long-term care facilities, and schools throughout the United States. He even participated in shows and fundraising for charity and became famous. In 2017, the National Days calendar officially announced Never Bean Better Day as August 22nd, Bean’s birthday.

Interesting Facts

  1. The first treatment with dogs was used in the British clinic for the mentally ill The Retreat, which was founded in 1796.
  2. Therapy involving dogs is called Canistherapy, from the Latin word “canis” meaning “dog.”
  3. The first known therapy dog was the Yorkshire Terrier Smoky, who served in the US Air Force during World War II. He had military decorations, the rank of Corporal, and worked in hospitals for 12 years.
  4. The term “pet therapy” was introduced in 1969 by US child psychiatrist Boris Levinson, who noticed that young patients were positively influenced by communication with his dog, who was in the waiting room.

How to Take Part

On Never Bean Better Day, you can buy small gifts for your own pets or for the pets of your family and friends. It’s a day to appreciate the therapeutic role that pets play in our lives, both the therapy animals and our own pets, that also act as therapists in their own right.

When is Never Bean Better Day in 2024?

Never Bean Better Day is observed on August 22 each year.


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Thursday August 22 2024
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Tuesday August 22 2028
Wednesday August 22 2029