Holiday - National Tooth Fairy Day
Fri, Feb 28, 2025

National Tooth Fairy Day

National Tooth Fairy Day is an annual American holiday dedicated to the tooth fairy. This mythological creature is popular in many countries around the world. The celebration of this day is dedicated not only to the arrival of the fairy to pick up the baby’s teeth under the pillow and leave a gift there but also to maintaining oral health.


Celebrating National Tooth Fairy Day allows you to strengthen your belief in a magical being and give your children a special day. Researchers claim that the image of the fairy first appeared in English written sources dating back to the 13th century.

In the United States, the popularization of the tooth fairy began in 1908 when author L. Brown wrote an article suggesting an effective way for parents to encourage their children to part with their falling teeth. Parents were to tell them about the tooth fairy, who would bring 5 cents (or another gift) for every lost tooth. This idea quickly spread.

In 1927, E. W. Arnold wrote a children’s play about this fairy creature. As a result, the tooth fairy’s popularity spread worldwide, and many children eagerly await her arrival when their baby teeth fall out. This tradition is still actively supported today.

Interesting facts

  • It is known that the Vikings wore milk teeth as necklaces and considered them talismans. They were believed to bring good luck and protect against evil.
  • More and more cases are emerging where baby teeth do not fall out and are not replaced by molar teeth. This phenomenon is attributed to the evolutionary development of humans related to dietary changes.
  • Natural tooth enamel is stronger than steel. Its approximate service life, as designed by nature, is 60 years. Scientists have created implants that can last only 15 years.

How to celebrate

On National Tooth Fairy Day, read tales of the “Tooth Fairy” to delve deeper into this magical creature. If you have young children, adopt the tradition of rewarding them for losing their first baby teeth and make them believe in miracles!

Spread the word on social media. Ask other users if they support the tooth fairy tradition.

When is National Tooth Fairy Day in 2025?

National Tooth Fairy Day is observed on February 28 each year and on August 22.


Weekday Month Day Year
Friday February 28 2025
Friday August 22 2025
Saturday February 28 2026
Saturday August 22 2026
Sunday February 28 2027
Sunday August 22 2027
Monday February 28 2028
Tuesday August 22 2028
Wednesday February 28 2029
Wednesday August 22 2029

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