National Tight Ends Day - October
Sun, Oct 22, 2023

National Tight Ends Day

National Tight Ends Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of October in the United States, honoring the often underappreciated position in football – the Tight Ends. This day was founded in 2019 by the American Athletic League (NFL) with the idea of football player George Kittle of the San Francisco 49ers team.


Tight Ends is the position next to the offensive tackle on either side of the offense. Initially, the main function of the position was to block the quarterback, but over time, more and more possible moves were added, allowing the players to reveal its true potential. However, in the 1950s and 1980s, Tight Ends was not considered an important approach.

Interesting facts

  • American football evolved from rugby.
  • About 1% of the population of America works in the field of sports – almost 3 million people.
  • Some NFL teams don’t hire a cheerleader for some reason.
  • Helmets were not used until 1939.
  • The majority of players develop chronic traumatic encephalopathy due to constant head injuries – according to statistics, 79% of the total.
  • The final match and one of the most legendary events in the country – the Super Bowl. TV broadcasts break records!

How to take part

To get involved in the celebration of National Tight Ends Day, you can learn more about the history of the position by reading different literature. You can also follow legendary players on social media, comment on their matches, and congratulate them on their victories. Show your appreciation for the fact that the position is not forgotten!

When is National Tight Ends Day celebrated in 2023?

National Tight Ends Day is observed on the fourth Sunday of October each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday October 22 2023
Sunday October 27 2024
Sunday October 26 2025
Sunday October 25 2026

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