National Sticker Day - January 13
Mon, Jan 13, 2025

National Sticker Day

National Sticker Day is a national American holiday dedicated to stickers. These small pictures that stick on any surface are pleasing to the eye and have not lost popularity for decades. It is annually on January 13th.


Little is known about the emergence of National Sticker Day, but the history of the stickers themselves is impressive. Merchants began to use them at the end of the 19th century with a rather important goal – to draw the attention of buyers to their goods. Often they were glued with chewing gum.

In the 1900s, a special adhesive composition was developed. It dried quickly and provided a strong hold. It was used mainly for postage stamps. The dried sticker, when moistened, again showed its sticky properties and could be used again.

The date of National Sticker Day is chosen in honor of the birthday of R. Stanton Avery (01/13/1907). This man in 1935 presented the world with a modern version of self-adhesive pictures and created a company that produced them. Avery led the company until his death in 1997. At that time, his company was valued at billions of dollars.

To date, stickers are produced in a variety of designs: both for manufacturing companies and for ordinary customers. Stickers with characters from animated series, movies, anime; on the bumper of a car; for congratulations and more. The choice is huge!

Interesting facts

  • There is evidence that in ancient Egypt there were stickers that resemble modern ones. They were found on bottles of wine.
  • In the middle of the 19th century, stickers began to mark the luggage of passengers on cruise ships. This approach greatly facilitated the sorting of luggage.
  • At auction, the first glue-backed samples from the late 1800s sell for around £3 ($3600).

How to celebrate

Pick up a couple of new stickers for National Sticker Day and use them to decorate your home or personal items. If you know of a family member or friend who collects these little self-adhesive pictures, give them some new designs.

Tell us about this holiday on social networks. Discuss your favorite stickers with other users.

When is National Sticker Day in 2025?

National Sticker Day is observed on January 13 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Monday January 13 2025
Tuesday January 13 2026
Wednesday January 13 2027
Thursday January 13 2028
Saturday January 13 2029

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