National Radio Day - August 20
Tue, Aug 20, 2024

National Radio Day

National Radio Day is dedicated to an amazing invention of mankind, which allowed people to stay in touch with the whole world. Now we are used to the fact that we can tune to a certain frequency and listen to our favorite music, but before that, it was a real fantasy. And although in the modern world the Internet and TV are held in high esteem, it is important not to forget how it all began.


Surprisingly, it is impossible to name the sole creator of the radio. There were many of them, each making some contribution to its development. When everything came together, the radio started playing! Note the names of the inventors: Guglielmo Marconi, Nikola Tesla, Heinrich Rudolph Hertz, and others.

A little later, public broadcasting appeared, followed by the radiotelephone company, which could pick up a signal at a distance of several miles.

In our age, it has faded into the background and is no longer the primary source of news and entertainment. But radio has been competing with advanced analogues for many years, and there is always a place for it in the world!

In 2011, activists drew public attention to the date, which is why the National Day is annually throughout the country.

Interesting Facts

  • Radio waves were discovered by the German physicist Heinrich Rudolph Hertz in 1886;
  • FM radio appeared in 1939;
  • The first online radio station started in 1995;
  • 71% of motorists listen to the radio in the car.

How to Take Part

  • Tune in to your favorite station and check out what is happening on National Radio Day.
  • Support the station on the Internet, participate in contests, and surveys.
  • Buy an old unit and try to fix it! Get your friends involved.

When is National Radio Day in 2024?

National Radio Day is observed on August 20 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Tuesday August 20 2024
Wednesday August 20 2025
Thursday August 20 2026
Friday August 20 2027
Sunday August 20 2028
Monday August 20 2029