National Middle Child’s Day - August 12
Mon, Aug 12, 2024

National Middle Child’s Day

National Middle Child’s Day is dedicated to the middle child in the family. It is no secret that middle children often face a lack of attention from their parents. The purpose of the day is to raise important issues in order to prevent anger and isolation in the family.


National Middle Child’s Day was first in 1986 by Elizabeth Walker. True, not everyone agrees with its date (August 12). For example, Bruce Hopman, founder of the International Society for the Protection of the Middle Child, wants to move the day to July 2nd.

Interesting facts

  • In fact, middle children often become conscientious and successful adults. Their independence is useful for later life. They grow up to be diplomatic, flexible, and empathetic people.
  • Their brothers and sisters often cannot boast of such qualities; they need some guidance in order to make important decisions.
  • According to statistics, more than 50% of US leaders were middle children, which confirms the above traits.
  • There is the concept of ‘middle child syndrome,’ but psychologists do not confirm a direct connection between birth order and successful development.
  • Most middle children are more responsible and always ready to protect their loved ones.

How to take part

4 ways to celebrate National Middle Child’s Day:

  1. Let the kids know you love them! Brothers, sisters, nephews… Give gifts and pay more attention.
  2. Gather the family for a delicious dinner.
  3. Share your hobbies with your children.
  4. Fulfill their most cherished desire!

Get creative! The main thing is that children feel your presence and love.

When is National Middle Child’s Day in 2024?

National Middle Child’s Day is observed on August 12 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Monday August 12 2024
Tuesday August 12 2025
Wednesday August 12 2026
Thursday August 12 2027
Saturday August 12 2028
Sunday August 12 2029

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