National Green Juice Day - January 26
Fri, Jan 26, 2024

National Green Juice Day

National Green Juice Day is a holiday for everyone who takes care of their health. After the winter holidays, many decide to seriously take up work on their bodies. Fresh foods help to cope with great physical and mental stress. Many people prefer to drink juices. They are rich in vitamins and have a pleasant taste.


Juice producers first proposed the idea for the celebration in 2016. There were many posts on social networks from active users who shared new ideas with friends. Freshly squeezed drinks activate the brain, improve mood and allow you to stay alert longer. It is important to develop the habit of drinking at least one glass every morning.

Celebrities actively promote a healthy lifestyle. Some world stars even came up with their own diets that helped them achieve ideal forms. During the interview, they shared beauty secrets and mentioned smoothies more than once, which can sometimes replace a full meal.

Interesting facts

  1. The first juicer was invented by Norman Walker in the 1930s.
  2. There are a huge number of recipes, most of them use predominantly green foods: celery, lime or lettuce. Often lemon or ginger is added. This drink is recommended to drink in the morning. He will give a charge of vivacity and optimism.
  3. The idea that all healthy food tastes disgusting is wrong. Among thousands of recipes, you can find one that you will definitely like.
  4. Juices help improve bowel function. They contain many useful properties that generally have a beneficial effect on the health of the body.

How to celebrate

It is not worth giving up your usual food today, but you should definitely add freshly squeezed juice to your diet. The necessary products can be found in the refrigerator in almost everyone. Don’t forget to invite your friends to try the new drink. You can make several servings at once to understand which composition you like best. It is enough to replace harmful pastries with a glass of healthy smoothies in order to improve well-being.

When is National Green Juice Day celebrated in 2024?

National Green Juice Day is observed on January 26 each year.


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