National Back to Church Sunday - September
Sun, Sep 15, 2024

National Back to Church Sunday

National Back To Church Sunday is designed to bring people back to a church they haven’t been to for a long time. It is an excellent opportunity to correct this oversight. Celebrated every third Sunday in September.


This day was first in 2009. An official website for the event was created, to which more and more churches connect every year. Now there are more than 31,000 of them. The main goal of National Back To Church Sunday is to get more people to go to church. It doesn’t matter if they’ve been there before or if they are going there for the first time.

Churches began to be built during the reign of the Roman emperor Constantine the Great, who lived around the 300s of our era. At that time, the Christian faith was just beginning its march around the world. Constantine was the first ruler who decided to officially accept the faith and spread it.

In the modern world, Christianity is divided into two large branches. This event took place on July 17, 1054. During the negotiations in the capital of Byzantium, a single agreement was not reached. As a result, Christianity split into two branches: Western (Catholicism) and Eastern (Orthodoxy).

Interesting Facts

  • In the US, there are not only churches for people. There is also a church for dogs. At the entrance hangs a sign with the inscription: “All religions, all breeds, and no dogmas.”
  • President Nelson announced 69 new churches in three years.

How to Take Part

Visit the church on this day and participate in the sermon. Attract more people to this holiday by holding awareness speeches. Spread information through social networks. Become a regular churchgoer or do charity work supporting a church in your city.

When is National Back to Church Sunday in 2024?

National Back to Church Sunday is observed on the third Sunday of September each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday September 15 2024
Sunday September 21 2025
Sunday September 20 2026
Sunday September 19 2027
Sunday September 17 2028
Sunday September 16 2029

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