Natal Day - August
Mon, Aug 5, 2024

Natal Day

Natal Day is the birthday of Nova Scotia, a Canadian province. Although the holiday is always on a Monday, it often starts on the weekend. This allows you to mark it with maximum scope.


Natal Day appeared in 1895; however, at first, it was in June. This day was moved to the first Monday in August in 1906. Nova Scotia itself appeared many years before, back in the first quarter of the 17th century. And in the middle of the 19th century, this province gained its long-awaited independence and became self-governing.

The holiday originally was a way to celebrate the advent of the railroad in Halifax, the provincial capital. However, the road’s construction was delayed, and they decided to dedicate the planned holiday to Halifax itself, as well as to Nova Scotia as a whole. So, it got fixed in the calendar, becoming one of the good local traditions.

Interesting facts

  • Nova Scotia is home to Citadel Hill, the most popular historical monument in Canada.
  • The main attraction of Halifax is the tower clock, which has been ticking non-stop for almost 220 years.
  • Natal Day is a day off only for trade union workers and civil servants, since state institutions do not work on this holiday.

How to take part

There are many outdoor activities on this day. This is a great occasion to visit bright and interesting festivals, watch parades, or just get out for a barbecue. As a festive food, cakes are especially popular – after all, this is a dessert that is associated with any birthday.

When is Natal Day in 2024?

Natal Day is observed on the first Monday of August.


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