International Museum Day - May 18
Sat, May 18, 2024

International Museum Day

International Museum Day is in most countries. On this day, visiting many museums is free. Everyone can see the amazing exhibition halls.


International Museum Day was established in 1977. The founder was the International Council of Museums. Each year, this holiday has its own theme. For example, Museums are a cultural bridge, Fight against the illegal movement of cultural property. About 20,000 museums organize different events on their professional holiday, covered by the media.

The main goal of establishing the International Museum Day is introducing people to culture, making magnificent exhibitions accessible. In some countries there is also a night of museums. Tours, lectures, and master classes are organized that night.

Interesting Facts

A museum is a place where the most valuable treasures are kept.

  1. There are 8 million exhibits in the British Museum. This museum is the second most visited in the world.
  2. The smallest museum is in Lithuania. It occupies 1 large oak tree hollow.
  3. Mexico has an underwater museum at 10 meters depth.
  4. There is a Museum of Drunkenness’ History in Moscow.
  5. A Museum of Death has been created in Hollywood, where all thematic exhibits are presented, including various items created by serial killers and maniacs.
  6. The Museum of Natural History in New York is featured in some famous films: Night at the Museum, and The Da Vinci Code.

When is International Museum Day in 2024?

International Museum Day is observed on May 18 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Saturday May 18 2024
Sunday May 18 2025