Goddard Day - March 16
Sun, Mar 16, 2025

Goddard Day is an annual American holiday commemorating Robert Goddard and his achievements. It’s a day to learn more about this man who turned the world of astronautics upside down. It is on March 16.


The history of Goddard Day begins in 1965 when the holiday was established by the U.S. Congress. The purpose of this day is to raise public awareness of astronautics and significant advances in related sciences. Thanks to these achievements, a real revolution has been made; mankind has entered a new stage of its development. National security has also increased. But none of this would have been possible without a man named Robert Hutchings Goddard.

Goddard was born on October 5, 1882, in the town of Worcester. From his childhood, he was fascinated by inventions and had an affinity for technical science. The beginning of his career in rocket science can be traced to an incident at the institute when he launched a homemade rocket on gunpowder in the basement of the physics building. He received the necessary attention and support, with the result that already in 1914 he patented two devices: a liquid fuel rocket and a rocket (with 2 or 3 stages) using solid fuel.

The date of the celebration was chosen for a reason. It was on this day in 1926 that Hutchings launched the first liquid-fueled rocket on his aunt’s farm. His inventions and achievements served as the basis for the development of rocket science and marked a new era in space exploration.

Interesting facts

  • Goddard also became famous in the field of arms. In 1918, just a couple of days before an armistice was declared, he introduced the bazooka, successfully demonstrating its killing power.
  • In 1929, the first rocket was launched with instrumentation and a camera that made it possible to obtain data from space.
  • Goddard, thanks to mathematical calculations, developed a way to increase the maximum altitude for rockets and put forward a theory about the possibility of conquering the moon with a rocket.

How to celebrate

Explore more information about Goddard and his discoveries in space exploration. Visit museums to learn more about the history of astronautics. Watch documentaries about the conquest of space and Goddard in particular.

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When is Goddard Day in 2025?

Goddard Day is observed on March 16 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday March 16 2025
Monday March 16 2026
Tuesday March 16 2027
Thursday March 16 2028
Friday March 16 2029

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