General Pulaski Memorial Day - October 11
Fri, Oct 11, 2024

General Pulaski Memorial Day

Traditionally, General Pulaski Memorial Day is on October 11th. Casimir Pulaski, a Polish immigrant, went to serve in the Continental Army more than two centuries ago, where he quickly rose to the rank of Brigadier General. During the American Revolution, Pulaski undertook the creation of one of the most underdeveloped parts of the army – the cavalry.


Brigadier General Casimir Pulaski was born on March 6, 1745, in Warsaw, Poland. At the age of 15, he gained his first combat experience when Russia and Poland entered the war. After an unsuccessful uprising against Russian domination, Pulaski was exiled to Europe, where he met Benjamin Franklin in Paris. Subsequently, Pulaski emigrated to the British colonies and, thanks to his experience and perseverance, quickly gained the trust of his colleagues and George Washington. During the Battle of Brandywine, he saved the life of the commander-in-chief. Unfortunately, Pulaski would not live to see the end of the war; he died from his wounds on October 9, 1779, during the siege of Savannah.

Interesting facts

In honor of this holiday, here are a few interesting facts:

  • In 1929, Congress passed a resolution proclaiming October 11 General Pulaski Memorial Day.
  • In 2004, Francis C. Kajencki published Pulaski’s Legion in the American Revolution.
  • David R. Collins published Casimir Pulaski: Soldier on Horseback in 1995.
  • A monument to Casimir Pulaski, designed by Robert Launitz, was erected in Georgia.

How to take part

This holiday honors Polish immigrants and their descendants who have made tremendous contributions to American society in many different areas of life. Although the holiday is not a public holiday, it is still possible to remember General Casimir Pulaski. On this day, you can read literature about him and share stories about his courage on social media.

When is General Pulaski Memorial Day in 2024?

General Pulaski Memorial Day is observed on October 11 each year.


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Thursday October 11 2029