Alien Abduction Day - March 20
Thu, Mar 20, 2025

Alien Abduction Day

Alien Abduction Day is an annual American holiday commemorating alien abductions. We don’t know much about extraterrestrial races. Some researchers argue that aliens really exist, while others are skeptical and believe that Earth is the only planet inhabited by living and sentient beings. The holiday is on March 20.


The history of Alien Abduction Day is not reliably known. Many believe that it became popular in 2008 and is an extension of the festival of the same name that takes place in Toronto.

In general, the topic of alien abductions contains a huge amount of information. Thousands of people have claimed to have come into contact with aliens, to have been abducted by them, and to have been brought back. Some claim a horrifying experience (they took tests, conducted research, even had cases of scars on the body), while others say that everything was fine—the aliens were just asking about our planet and people. Researchers are skeptical of such information, as they believe that most of them are simply fictitious; others may be the result of self-induced or mental disorders.

The first documented case of alien abduction is considered to be the story described by D. Winthrop in 1639 in his diary. It tells the story of James Everell, who was sailing on a boat with his friends. A beam of light appeared from above, changing shape and gradually approaching them. After the light disappeared, people could not remember how they had swum to the place, as if part of the memory had been deleted. Interestingly, several other people saw a strange glow in those places described in the diary.

Interesting facts

  • The story of Barney and Betty Hill in 1961 is considered the most popular kidnapping case. The kidnapping was described in great detail, and a book was written and a movie was made based on their story.
  • Many movies and TV series in different genres have been made on the subject of aliens. We recommend watching the series “The X-Files” and the comedy “Paul” from 2011.
  • One of the most alien-related places in the United States is Area 51 in southern Nevada. Many claim that aliens and their technology were investigated at this military base.

How to celebrate

Find information on the Internet about cases of alien abduction. Watch documentaries, and read various books on the subject of aliens.

Tell us about Alien Abduction Day on social media. Ask other users what they think about alien abduction.

When is Alien Abduction Day in 2025?

Alien Abduction Day is observed on March 20 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Thursday March 20 2025
Friday March 20 2026
Saturday March 20 2027
Monday March 20 2028
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