ADA Lovelace Day - October
Tue, Oct 8, 2024

ADA Lovelace Day

ADA Lovelace Day is on the second Tuesday in October to honor the achievements of women in science, engineering, and mathematics. This holiday was created in 2009 to encourage women and girls to pursue careers in STEM.


Ada Lovelace, born in 1815 as the daughter of renowned Romantic poet Lord Byron, was given the unique opportunity to study science and mathematics. Her mentor was the inventor of the mechanical calculator, Charles Babbage. In 1843, she published what is now considered the first algorithm, suggesting that computers were capable of more than simple arithmetic. Babbage famously called her the “Enchantress of Numbers”. Ada Lovelace passed away from uterine cancer at the age of 36.

Sue Charman-Anderson, a technologist, founded ADA Lovelace Day in 2009 to highlight the achievements of Ada Lovelace and other women in STEM. Despite women earning more than half of all bachelor’s degrees in the US, fewer than a quarter of them pursue jobs in STEM.

Interesting facts

  • In 1843 Ada Lovelace published the so-called first algorithm.
  • In honor of Lovelace, the US Department of Defense named a computer language – Ada – after her in 1980.
  • The first ADA Lovelace Day was held on the second Tuesday of October in 2009.

How to take part

On this day, you can attend events dedicated to Ada Lovelace, such as lectures and quizzes. You can also search for stories of other famous women in science who, like Ada, have made great contributions to science. If you’re interested, ADA Lovelace Day is a great opportunity to learn programming, attend a seminar, or read a textbook on the subject.

When is ADA Lovelace Day in 2024?

ADA Lovelace Day is observed on the second Tuesday in October each year.


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