World Elephant Day - August 12
Mon, Aug 12, 2024

World Elephant Day

World Elephant Day is dedicated to one of the most magnificent creatures on the planet – elephants. This holiday reaches many people around the world: large organizations and individuals unite to raise awareness of the problems that threaten these mammals. Together, we can create a safe world for them, so future generations can admire them!

The History

The date was first celebrated in 2012, started by Canadian directors Patricia Sims and Michael Clarke. They released the film Return to the Forest, which talks about releasing animals back into the wild.

Interesting facts

11 facts about elephants:

  • The Asian species is most endangered;
  • In the last century in Thailand, there were about 100,000 individuals; now there are less than 4,000;
  • The tusks are enlarged incisor teeth that appear from the age of two;
  • They need a lot of food: up to 150 kg daily;
  • Elephants are afraid of sudden movements around them – for example, mice and cheetahs;
  • Most live to age 60;
  • According to National Geographic, they can die from toxic bacteria in the water, anthrax, pathogenic microbes, and infections carried by rodents;
  • Some elephants receive special titles from the King of Thailand;
  • A few elephants can stand on their heads;
  • Communication between relatives is important to them;
  • Elephants have brilliant minds.

there are many more amazing things about them, be sure to find out more!

How to take part

You can make a donation to the Global Community, which focuses on various contemporary issues. It is great if you support the movement on social networks with the #WorldElephantDay hashtag. Learn what the activists are doing and offer your help. Share with friends and think about it together!

When is World Elephant Day celebrated in 2024?

World Elephant Day is observed on August 12 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Monday August 12 2024
Tuesday August 12 2025
Wednesday August 12 2026