Stand up to Cancer Day - September
Fri, Sep 8, 2023

Stand up to Cancer Day

Stand up to Cancer Day is one of the most important days in the calendar. It is dedicated to raising awareness and counteracting any form of cancer. Unfortunately, in the modern world, cancer is a terrible problem. Terrible for several reasons; first of all, people are frightened by the scale, as well as a rather high mortality rate. The day was first celebrated in 2008, and since then numerous scientists and doctors have joined the initiative.


Initially, Stand up to Cancer Day appeared in a goodwill format – anyone could join to spread information about cancer and raise awareness about it. The voluntary initiative resonated with thousands of specialists and volunteers who understand the importance of this mission and sincerely want to help people learn more about oncology, diagnostic methods, and treatment. Today, this important day is celebrated in more than 170 countries.

Interesting Facts

  • The first mention of cancer dates back to 3000 BC. Information about the disease is found in manuscripts from Ancient Egypt.
  • The Greek scientist Hippocrates called the disease ‘kakinos’, which means crab.
  • Stand up to Cancer Day is not just about disease awareness; it is about raising money for cancer research.
  • Cancer is the most common cause of death.
  • Cancer treatment is one of the most expensive in America, and patients annually spend about $155 billion on therapy.
  • Since the end of the 20th century, there has been a decrease in the death rate, but the percentage of deaths remains high.

How to take part

Learn more about this disease. There are many thematic programs in the media on Stand up to Cancer Day, and many medical institutions also hold seminars. Join the fight against cancer, donate what you can, or volunteer at a hospital. Use hashtags to inform other people about this important topic.

When is Stand up to Cancer Day celebrated in 2023?

Stand up to Cancer Day is observed on the second Friday of September each year.


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