Pan American Day - April 14
Sun, Apr 14, 2024

Pan American Day

Pan American Day is an annual American holiday with official status. It is dedicated to the International Union of the Americas, which unites South American and North American states. The holiday is celebrated on April 14. It encourages people to learn more about the union and to delve into the history of its creation.


For the first time the creation of a single union, which would include the states of America as a whole, not just the U.S., began to talk at the Panama Congress in 1826. The proposal was made by H. Martin and S. Bolivan. Its formation would unite all American nations, but the idea was not realized. At that time most of the countries were in favor of supporting personal national interests.

A few decades later, on April 14, 1890, the idea of the Union was revived at the International Conference of American States, which was held for the first time. The venue was Washington, D.C. The newly created union included 18 member countries. In 1930, F. Roosevelt decided to give development to the union. The constant addition of new members and the expansion of union-wide activities led in 1948 to the official creation and consolidation at the state level of the Organization of American States (O.A.S.).

Interesting facts

  • Today the O.A.S. has 35 member countries.
  • The joint efforts of the Pan-American organization approved and endorsed the Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man, drafted by the United States.

How to celebrate

Explore more information about O.A.S. activities that day. Attend lectures at museums and libraries to raise your awareness of the history of the Pan American Union.

Spread the word on social media. Let more people know about it!

When is Pan American Day celebrated in 2024?

Pan American Day is observed on April 14 each year.


Sunday April 14 2024
Monday April 14 2025
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