OK Day - March 23
Sat, Mar 23, 2024

OK Day

OK Day is an American holiday dedicated to positivity, good cheer and the most popular phrase “OK”. Be happy on this day and get rid of negative thoughts. And let the word “OK” become not only the most frequent word in your speech, but it will fully reflect your inner state. The holiday is celebrated annually on March 23.


The history of OK Day is not known. The two-letter acronym itself stands for “all is well” or “all is right. It is always associated with a good mood, but also means the person’s agreement to the proposal.

Researchers believe that the acronym “OK” is over 180 years old. Most Americans attribute its creation to E. Jackson, who was the 7th president of the United States. He always wrote “all correct” as he heard it, that is, he used the letters O and K. Since then, this letter combination took root in American society, and then became popular all over the world.

“OK” is indicated by a gesture. It is necessary to combine the index finger and thumb into a ring. Therefore, if it is necessary to answer OK, you can just silently show the gesture with your fingers.

Interesting facts

  • There is a theory that the phrase “OK” came to us from the German language. There the original expression had a similar meaning, but was written as “Ohne Korrectur.
  • The gesture involving joining the index finger and thumb in a ring exists in Buddhism and Hinduism. In religions it is a symbol of inner perfection. It is also associated with a positive attitude.

How to celebrate

Use “OK” in your speech more often and use the gesture. This can be done both in live speech and in correspondence on social networks. Be positive today and energize others!

Spread the word on social media. Ask users how often they use the letter combination “OK” in speech.

When is OK Day Celebrated in 2024?

OK Day is dedicated to celebrating success. It has always been observed annually on March the 23rd.


Weekday Month Day Year
Saturday March 23 2024
Sunday March 23 2025

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