National Recovery Month - September
Fri, Sep 1, 2023

National Recovery Month

National Recovery Month is a special time for people who are struggling with addiction. This event is dedicated to the search for and promotion of new treatment methods for any form of addiction. Also, special attention is paid to recovery methods and the social adaptation of people who managed to overcome addiction. Such people need support and help. As of 2020, the National Recovery Month site is operated by the Community of the Recoverers. In addition, the organization manages social networks and organizes relevant events.


In America, the first organization that helped people with addiction was the Alcohol Mutual Aid Society. The organization existed from 1750 to 1800. The members of the community were predominantly Indians. In the late 18th century, physician Benjamin Rush called alcoholism a disease and encouraged anyone with addiction to get treatment. The doctor informed people about the possible dangers and consequences of alcohol abuse.

By the middle of the 19th century, the first ‘homes for the fallen’ appeared in America, where they provided medical care in case of intoxication. The first society of anonymous alcoholics was organized in 1935 by two former alcoholics, and already in 1950 the number of participants exceeded 90 thousand people. And in 2008, America passed a law requiring insurance companies to provide insurance services in the field of mental health, as well as dependence on any psychotropic substances.

Useful facts

  • The most common addiction in America is alcohol addiction. According to statistics, more than 86% of Americans drink alcohol, about 88 thousand citizens die from addiction-related causes.
  • Drug addiction changes the structure of the brain. When a person consumes alcohol or drugs, the brain receives a powerful dose of dopamine. Gradually, a person needs an increasing dose, and addiction occurs.
  • Americans use about 80% of prescription medicine as drugs.
  • Almost 75% of people with addiction work, that is, they are officially employed.

How to Join National Recovery Month

Take the time to read about addiction and how you can help someone who is trying to break their addiction to alcohol or drugs. Volunteer to help people get rid of addiction and adapt to society. Take part in themed events, try to raise people’s awareness of how to help themselves, so as not to become a hostage to addiction.

When is National Recovery Month celebrated in 2023?

National Recovery Month is observed on September 1 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Friday September 1 2023
Sunday September 1 2024
Monday September 1 2025
Tuesday September 1 2026

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