International Coffee Day - October 1
Sun, Oct 1, 2023

International Coffee Day

Many people can’t wake up in the morning without a fragrant cup of coffee. Are you one of them? If so, International Coffee Day takes place on October 1st every year and brings together coffee lovers from all over the world. Join in to celebrate this special day!


International Coffee Day was founded in 2014 and was advocated for by the International Coffee Organization. The purpose of this day was not only to celebrate the beloved drink, but also to raise awareness about the plight of some coffee producers.

Historians debate the origin of coffee, with most believing that it originated in Ethiopia. The origin story is quite interesting! In 700 AD, the owner of a herd of goats noticed that the animals were behaving strangely – it seemed to him that they were dancing after eating some kind of red bean. He collected the fruit and shared it with a monk, assuring him that it would invigorate him for the night prayer. Depending on the source, the monk either accepted or rejected the gift (the beans were thrown into the fire, and the aroma was mesmerizing).

Interesting facts

You may not have known that:

  • 70% of people prefer Arabica;
  • The lethal dose of caffeine is 100 cups;
  • Coffee trees live up to 70 years;
  • Caffeine is banned by the International Olympic Committee.
  • The remains of the berries are not thrown away; flour is made from them;
  • Starbucks is the largest coffee shop chain in the world;
  • Coffee-based scrubs are the most popular in the world;
  • There are about 100 types of coffee drinks.

How to take part

International Coffee Day is a great day to learn more about the coffee culture! Find books or documentaries about coffee, or learn how to prepare different types of coffee drinks from different countries. Invite your friends to a holiday party and run your own statistics on different preferences.

When is International Coffee Day in 2023?

International Coffee Day is observed on October 1 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday October 1 2023
Tuesday October 1 2024
Wednesday October 1 2025
Thursday October 1 2026