Grandma Moses Day - September 7
Thu, Sep 7, 2023

Grandma Moses Day

Grandma Moses Day is a holiday dedicated to the famous artist who challenged the whole world and became famous at an advanced age thanks to her talent. September 7th is Anna Mary Robertson Moses’ birthday. She showed her ability to draw at 50 and entered the list of the most famous artists of our time.


Anna Mary Robertson was born on September 7, 1887. After marriage, she took her husband’s surname, but she did not give up her own. As such, she was known in everything as Anna Mary Robertson Moses. Anna took a brush in her hands for the first time at 50, and fame came to her at 70. Drawing became a salvation for her when arthritis prevented her from further embroidering and sewing. Grandma Moses Day was established by New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller to coincide with her centenary.

Interesting Facts

  • Grandmother Moses is a self-taught artist; she never studied at a specialized school, so many of her works seem primitive.
  • The main theme of her paintings is rural life.
  • She sold her first works at a local pharmacy for $10.
  • In 1938, all the paintings of Grandma Moses were bought by art collector Louis Kaldor. It was he who organized an exhibition of the artist’s works at the Museum of Modern Art, and the following year her paintings were presented in New York.
  • Grandma Moses’ works are sold in North America and Europe.
  • Her paintings often decorate Christmas cards.

How to take part

Read the biography of this amazing woman, let her inspire you and help you believe in yourself and success. Grandma Moses appeared on the cover of LIFE magazine at 100 – a worthy example to follow. Find her work online, and buy a painting. Try to draw something yourself; drawing calms, inspires, and clears the thoughts. If you want to get better acquainted with the work of the artist, visit the Bennington Museum, located in Vermont.

When is Grandma Moses Day in 2023?

Grandma Moses Day is observed on September 7 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Thursday September 7 2023
Saturday September 7 2024
Sunday September 7 2025
Monday September 7 2026

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