Breast Cancer Awareness Month - October
Sun, Oct 1, 2023

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a reminder that there is a serious disease in the world that needs to be tackled. Sadly, statistics are disheartening: every 2 minutes, one woman is diagnosed with breast cancer. However, the good news is that, if detected early, the disease can be effectively managed.


The Pink Ribbon Inc. charity, based in New York, collects donations every year to provide aid to those affected by breast cancer, fund scientific research, and raise awareness of the disease. Initially, the symbol of Breast Cancer Awareness Month was a pink ribbon, and now in October, pink products are widely available in shopping centers as a reminder of the cause. Many sponsors also use this color to draw attention to the fight against breast cancer.

In the past, removal of the mammary gland was a procedure, but with unsatisfactory aesthetic results. In 1932, a new, improved mastectomy procedure was developed, which was a great leap forward in terms of efficacy, and also produced much better aesthetic results.

Interesting facts

  • Every day, 1 million cases of breast cancer are diagnosed globally.
  • Every 15 minutes, one woman dies of the disease, and 400 men per year.
  • The youngest registered patient is a three-year-old girl, who survived the operation and is still alive.
  • There are currently 3 million women who have overcome the disease.
  • In most cases, the disease is caused by mutations that occur in cells over a lifetime.
  • The disease may not have any symptoms at the beginning.
  • Breast cancer was first described in Ancient Egypt 3,500 years ago.

How to take part

The Breast Cancer Awareness Celebration is designed to encourage people to book an appointment with their doctor and get a check-up. As requested by the doctor, a sonogram or mammography may be performed. It is also important to share the stories of those affected by the disease with others, so that society can become more aware of the need to support the fight against cancer through knowledge of the disease and careful monitoring of health.

When is Breast Cancer Awareness Month in 2023?

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is observed on October 1 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday October 1 2023
Tuesday October 1 2024
Wednesday October 1 2025
Thursday October 1 2026

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