Turn Beauty Inside Out Day - May
Wed, May 15, 2024

Turn Beauty Inside Out Day

Turn Beauty Inside Out Day is an annual American holiday dedicated to the downside of conventional beauty. We see on the covers of magazines, on television, in social networks slim girls, who amaze by their results in waist circumference, slim hips and so on. Many strive to become the same and subject themselves to rigid diets. The holiday is designed to show the dangers of this approach. It is every third Wednesday in May.


The story of Turn Beauty Inside Out Day is devoid of details. It was created as a protest against the tops of beautiful people, flashy glossy photos of fitness models and other things.

The media is a useful public tool, but it also has its significant disadvantages. For example, it can create a false impression of certain things. This is what happened with the generally accepted standards of beauty. Every year more and more women become dissatisfied with their appearance. They begin to follow strict diets, train hard and so on. The main goal is to lose weight faster.

The holiday asks you to stop and think about whether everything is so bad with your body. It is not uncommon for people with a normal weight to drive themselves to nervous exhaustion, physical exhaustion, striving to achieve the ideal. It is necessary to be careful about gaining and losing weight, otherwise there is a high risk of serious health problems.

Interesting facts

  • According to statistics, about 70% of girls between the ages of 15 and 20 are dissatisfied with their appearance.
  • Normal weight can be calculated from the BMI index. You should not stoop to weight deficiency in the pursuit of beauty. Nutritional deficiencies in the long term lead to various diseases (primarily with the gastrointestinal tract).

How to celebrate

Learn the proper way to lose or gain weight. Stop comparing yourself to other people and strive to make your own body comfortable for you.

Tell about the holiday on social networks. Ask users, are they happy with their appearance?

When is Turn Beauty Inside Out Day in 2024?

Turn Beauty Inside Out Day is observed the third Wednesday in May.


Weekday Month Day Year
Wednesday May 15 2024
Wednesday May 21 2025