Titanic Remembrance Day - April 15
Mon, Apr 15, 2024

Titanic Remembrance Day

Titanic Remembrance Day is a worldwide remembrance day commemorating the Titanic shipwreck, which took the lives of many people. The exact number of victims has never been calculated. It is held every year on April 15 to commemorate all those who died in that disaster.


The tragedy that inspired Titanic Remembrance Day took place on the night of April 15, 1912. The steamer was en route from Southampton to New York. The catastrophe occurred in the North Atlantic. There were still large blocks of ice in the ocean, one of which was tangentially hit by the ship. The damage did not allow the ship to remain afloat, water began to come on board and the Titanic began to slowly go under water. The damage was received at 23.40, and at 2.20 the next day, the ship disappeared into the water column. According to experts’ estimates, 1,480 to 1,640 people became victims of the cruise. More than seven hundred were saved.

The exact cause of the crash has not been determined. Most people believe that the captain ignored the danger and did not reduce speed by refusing to maneuver. Others speak of engineering errors that led to such serious damage as a result of the tangential impact.

Interesting facts

  • For lovers of mysticism, there is a separate theory. It is said that one of the passengers was carrying on board the mummy of a resident of ancient Egypt. The disturbance of the dead brought a curse, which led to the disaster.
  • In defense of the ship’s crew, they had no binoculars, so visibility was very limited, given the dark time of day.
  • The ship’s surviving passenger Dorothy Gibson took part in the filming of “Rescued from the Titanic.

How to celebrate

Find out more details about the disaster, and explore the theories that exist to explain why the Titanic crashed. Watch movies or documentaries about the disaster.

Tell about this day on social media. Ask other users what they think is the most likely cause of the shipwreck?

When Titanic Remembrance Day celebrated in 2024?

Titanic Remembrance Day is observed on April 15 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Monday April 15 2024
Tuesday April 15 2025

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