Selena Day - April 16
Tue, Apr 16, 2024

Selena Day

A memorial day of an icon of Hispanic popular music, a singer that achieved worldwide popularity and made Mexican-influenced music mainstream, is celebrated on April 16. This is Selena Day and a significant event for fans. This singer went down in history as an outstanding performer, whose life was tragically cut short in a hotel’s lobby. Selena received a fatal wound in the back from a woman who was the head of her fan club. Irregularities came to light when Selena demanded to see the financial reports. On Selena Day we remember her best songs, and pay tribute to a talented, creative personality.

The History

This holiday was established in 1995 by the decree of US President George W. Bush. The album Dreaming of You conquered the Billboard 200 chart. Selena is recognized as the most commercially successful singer in the segment of Latin music. She was born in 1971 in Texas. Her parents were Jehovah’s Witnesses. The girl’s musical abilities manifested in childhood. She sang and participated in performances as part of youth groups. Selena was also involved in a design business, and became the author of her own clothing line, creating attractive images through the art of makeup.

How to take part

Watch the movie Selena with Jennifer Lopez, dedicated to the life and creative path of the singer. It was released by Warner Bros. Film Company in 1997. In 2018, Netflix created a series about Selena. Eight projects were shot documentaries.

  1. Listen to her most popular tracks; get into the mood of with the rhythms and lyrics. Selena’s discography has dance compositions with an uplifting mood.
  2. Trace the influence Madonna and Janet Jackson had on Selena’s work, noticeable in her music videos, clothing style, and dancing.
  3. Visit the Selena Museum in her hometown in Texas. There are memorabilia and personal collections of exclusive rarities.

English has always remained Selena’s mother tongue, although she often sang in Spanish to promote the distinctive culture through her pop music.

When Selena Day celebrated in 2024?

Selena Day is observed on April 16 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Tuesday April 16 2024
Wednesday April 16 2025

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