Nothing To Fear Day - May 27
Tue, May 27, 2025

Nothing To Fear Day

Nothing To Fear Day is a time to reflect on your fears. In reality, there’s nothing wrong with being afraid—fear is the body’s natural response to danger.


The exact origin of Nothing To Fear Day is unknown, but the reason May 27 was chosen is well documented. On this day in 1941, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt delivered a speech reminding Americans not to be overcome by fear. He repeated the famous phrase he had used in his 1933 inauguration speech: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” The White House message was broadcast over the radio as the President prepared Americans for the possibility of war.

Fear is a natural human emotion, but it should be managed to avoid turning into complex phobias. With this in mind, Nothing To Fear Day was created to help people face and overcome their fears.

Interesting Facts

Fear is a powerful emotion.

  1. During intense fear, the body releases a large amount of adrenaline. This can affect heart function and, in extreme cases, lead to the bursting of blood vessels, which can be fatal.
  2. Fear can distort a person’s perception of reality.
  3. The most common fears include public speaking, enclosed or open spaces, dentists, heights, and flying.
  4. Proper breathing techniques can help reduce fear.
  5. Fear can sometimes be passed down genetically.

How to Take Part

Nothing To Fear Day is a good opportunity to analyze your phobias. Try to face one of your fears. Imagine a situation that frightens you, find something positive in it, and practice breathing techniques to lower your fear response. By confronting your fear, you can reduce its hold on you.

When is Nothing To Fear Day in 2025?

Nothing To Fear Day is observed on May 27 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Tuesday May 27 2025
Wednesday May 27 2026
Thursday May 27 2027
Saturday May 27 2028
Sunday May 27 2029