National Root Canal Appreciation Day is a worldwide holiday dedicated to root canal treatment. It is every year on the second Wednesday of May. Root canal therapy is an important dental procedure that can save a tooth from falling out and save it.
The history of National Root Canal Appreciation Day begins in 2005. Its creator is C. Kammer, an American doctor who developed his own methods of oral care.
Root canal extraction is a fairly new dental procedure, because it requires modern equipment that allows you to accurately reach the inside of the tooth. This procedure is indicated when the pulp (the soft part of the tooth far into the gum, which consists of nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue) is damaged due to severe decay or other dental interventions. It plays a major role in the developmental stage of the teeth by allowing them to grow. Symptoms that indicate the need for treatment include a sore or burning sensation in the gum next to the tooth.
Interesting facts
- Dentistry has been around since ancient Egypt. A famous physician in this field was considered to be Hesi Ra.
- Teeth are not bones in the usual sense of the word. The upper part consists of keratin. The substance is very strong and is found in hair and nails.
- Wisdom teeth are the mark of our ancestors. Ancient people had more teeth.
How to celebrate
Visit the dentist to make sure your teeth are healthy. Learn more about dentistry as a section of medicine this day.
Tell about the holiday on social networks. Ask users if they had a root canal extraction. What were your impressions of the procedure?
When is National Root Canal Appreciation Day in 2024?
National Root Canal Appreciation Day is observed on the second Wednesday of May each year.
Weekday | Month | Day | Year |
Wednesday | May | 8 | 2024 |
Wednesday | May | 14 | 2025 |