National Go Birding Day - April
Sat, Apr 26, 2025

National Go Birding Day

National Go Birding Day is an American holiday dedicated to bird watching. It is one of the oldest and most effective methods of studying birds. Researchers can track the behavior of birds in their natural habitat and draw important conclusions. The holiday is observed annually on the last Saturday in April.


For centuries, people have watched birds for specific purposes, such as finding their nests to collect eggs for sustenance or hunting. From around the 16th to the mid-18th century, the popularity of collecting bird feathers grew. However, evidence from the works of G. White, D. Montague, D. Clare, and others shows that by the 1860s, bird watching began to take on an aesthetic character.

The final shift from utilitarian purposes to more recreational and scientific observation occurred at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1901, the term “birdwatching” appeared in E. Selous’ book. Around the same time, optical lenses became available, allowing scientists to identify birds from a distance without killing them.

Today, birdwatching is a crucial part of ornithological research. It has also become a popular hobby for photographers who track birds to capture unique images.

Interesting Facts

  • According to scientists, the ancestors of birds were dinosaurs.
  • The total mass of a bird’s feathers exceeds the mass of its skeleton.
  • Researchers have concluded that parrots give their chicks names by chirping. This was discovered through the observation of birds and the use of sensitive sound devices, revealing that parents use the same set of sounds when calling or meeting their chicks.

How to Celebrate

Learn more fascinating birding facts. Visit national parks to observe rare bird species in the wild. If you’ve been considering getting a pet, perhaps a parrot would be a good choice!

Spread the word about the holiday on social media. Ask users which bird is their favorite.

When is National Go Birding Day in 2025?

National Go Birding Day is observed on the last Saturday in April.


Weekday Month Day Year
Saturday April 26 2025
Saturday April 24 2026
Saturday April 23 2027
Saturday April 29 2028
Saturday April 28 2029

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