National Drummer Day - November 15
Wed, Nov 15, 2023

National Drummer Day

National Drummer Day is celebrated on November 15th and is dedicated to the most talented musicians who give drive and fire on stage! Scientists have conducted research and proved that their brain is not arranged like that of ordinary people, having a different outlook on life.


National Drummer Day was founded by after realizing that these musicians did not have their own holiday. The history of drums is ancient, with evidence of their existence dating back to 5000 BC in China and 3000 BC in Vietnam. They were also used to communicate with each other in Africa.

Interesting facts

  • In some countries, drums are used as a support for the spirit of soldiers.
  • Viola Smith is the first female drummer in the world. Her career began in 1920 and in 2019, she celebrated her 106th birthday.
  • According to the American magazine “The Rolling Stone” the most legendary drummer is the drummer of the group “Led Zeppelin” – John Henry Bonham.
  • The longest recorded drum roll lasted 12 hours and was achieved by Jason Brinklet, who ended up in the Guinness Book of Records and in the hospital with a serious hand injury.

How to take part

If you want to take part in National Drummer Day, there are a few things you can do. First, tell your favorite drummer that you appreciate their creativity. This can be done in person at a concert or through social networks. You can also sign up for drumming master classes if you have long dreamed of becoming a musician yourself. Finally, spread the word about the holiday and share it with others.

When is National Drummer Day celebrated in 2023?

National Drummer Day is observed on November 15 each year.


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Wednesday November 15 2023
Friday November 15 2024
Saturday November 15 2025
Sunday November 15 2026