National Creme de Menthe Day - September 15
Sun, Sep 15, 2024

National Creme de Menthe Day

National Crème de Menthe Day celebrates the refreshing mint-based liqueur, observed annually on September 15th. In America, this liqueur is commonly known as Mint Cream and is widely used in preparing desserts and various cocktails.


Crème de Menthe is a sweet alcoholic drink that originated in France in the late 19th century. It was first developed by Émile Giffard, who studied the mint plant from a medicinal perspective. Historically, liqueurs like this were often used as remedies for gastrointestinal ailments and cold symptoms.

The production of Crème de Menthe involves an alcoholic infusion of mint leaves, which is then filtered and sweetened with sugar. The liqueur is naturally colorless (known as white Crème de Menthe), but a green variety is made by adding a mint-derived coloring agent.

By the early 20th century, Mint Cream became popular in sweet dishes and beverages. Notable cocktails that feature Crème de Menthe include the Stinger and the Grasshopper, highlighting its versatility and appeal in the American cocktail scene.

Interesting facts

  • The only difference between the white and green varieties of Crème de Menthe is their color; they are interchangeable in recipes.
  • Peppermint, the key ingredient, is known for its medicinal properties, including alleviating headaches, soothing intestinal issues, and reducing nausea.

How to take part

Celebrate National Crème de Menthe Day by hosting a cocktail party to showcase the best recipes featuring this minty liqueur. Experiment with various ingredients that complement mint for a refreshing mix.

Alternatively, for a quieter celebration, make a mint smoothie, find a cozy spot, and enjoy some downtime with your favorite book.

When is National Crème de Menthe Day in 2024?

National Crème de Menthe Day is observed on September 15th each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday September 15 2024
Monday September 15 2025
Tuesday September 15 2026
Wednesday September 15 2027
Friday September 15 2028
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