National Chocolate Pudding Day - June 26
Wed, Jun 26, 2024

National Chocolate Pudding Day

National Chocolate Pudding Day offers a perfect excuse for you to indulge yourself with some delicious chocolate pudding. This delightful holiday is a great occasion for chocolate pudding companies and chocolate pudding lovers alike. There are two types of chocolate pudding. In the United States, Canada, Sweden, and East and Southeast Asia, chocolate pudding is boiled then chilled, and its texture is that of custard with starch. In the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand, chocolate pudding is steamed and baked, and its texture is similar to that of cake.

Celebrate this holiday by cooking your own homemade chocolate pudding and sharing it with the people you love. Buy some Hershey’s Cocoa, and follow a recipe to make some. Open up a chocolate pudding, and enjoy! Have a competition with your friends to see who can make the most delicious chocolate pudding on National Chocolate Pudding Day. Wish your friends a “Happy National Chocolate Pudding Day!” Whichever way you decide to spend National Chocolate Pudding Day, let go of anything that’s holding you back, and indulge yourself with some chocolaty pudding delight!

National Chocolate Pudding Day Fun Facts

  • On November 7, 1993, a Rugrats episode premiered called “Angelica Breaks a Leg,” in which Angelica fakes a broken leg just to get attention. At one point, DiDi walks into the kitchen to discover that Stu is up at 4:00 am making Angelica chocolate pudding, only to find out later that she is not hungry anymore. This eventually turned into a meme that originated on 4chan called “Stu Making Chocolate Pudding At 4 AM”.
  • In the late 19th century, many American food companies and social reformers promoted pudding as a type of health food. As a result, chocolate pudding was perceived by some as a health food.
  • By the 1930s, instant custard and chocolate pudding mixes were readily available to the American public.
  • General Foods introduced their very own chocolate pudding mix in 1934 as “Walter Baker’s Dessert”. In 1936, the company renamed the product as “Pickle’s Pudding”.
  • According to the Guinness World Records, on May 10, 2010, Donald Cunningham set the record for the most pudding eaten in three minutes at 1.34 kg (2 lb 15 oz). Cunningham used sugar-free Jell-O chocolate pudding for the attempt.

National Chocolate Pudding Day Jokes

  • Some gangsters decide to rob a bank. After several days of brainstorming, they agree on the best plan. The next day, they get to work and are able to get into the bank relatively easily. Once inside the main vault, they discover one wall is full of safe deposit boxes, and they start to work on them immediately. They drill and pry open the first box only to find a small container of chocolate pudding inside. The gangster in charge says, “Okay, well, at least we can eat it”. So they eat the pudding. They drill and pry open the second safe deposit box and find more chocolate pudding. They decide to devour it too. Determined to find the goods, the process continues for the rest of the night until all the safe deposit boxes have been opened. They didn’t find any money or jewelry in any of the boxes. Disappointed, the head gangster said, “Well, at least we got a free meal out of it.” The next day, they pick up a local newspaper and read: “MYSTERY AT THE SEWAGE TESTING PLANT: Sewage Plant Workers Baffled As Fecal Material Is Nowhere To Be Found”.
  • …And then Courtney Love said, “You know, I’m not like a ‘cool mom.’ I’m a mother, but I’m a really, really good mother, and the proof is in the pudding. Also in the pudding were trace amounts of LSD, cocaine, and crystal meth. No amount of self-esteem was found in the pudding”.
  • A depressed-looking man is sitting in a cheap, greasy diner in a Leeds suburb. He picks up the menu and sees that it contains just three dishes: meatloaf, shepherd’s pie, and chocolate pudding. The waitress comes over to take his order. “I’ll have the chocolate pudding,” says the man glumly, “and if you could throw in a few kind words that would be mighty welcome”. The waitress leaves and returns a few minutes later with a plate of chocolate pudding. She bangs the plate on the table in front of the man and starts to walk off. “Hey,” says the man. “I got my dinner; how about those kind words?”. The waitress turns, takes the cigarette out of her mouth, and says, “Don’t eat the pudding”.
  • A 6-year-old boy was sitting on the steps of his apartment building, eating a huge bowl of chocolate pudding. A man walked by and was surprised by just how big a bowl it was. He asked the youngster, “Is that a bowl of pudding?”. The youngster replied, “Yes sir, it is”. The man then asked, “Are you going to eat all of it?”. The boy responded, “Yes sir, I am.” Then the man asked, “Does your mother know that you’re going to eat all the pudding?”. The boy replied, “No sir, she doesn’t”. Then the man asked, “Well, don’t you know that eating all the pudding isn’t good for you?”. The boy answered, “My grandfather lived to be 100 years old”. The man asked, “Is that because he ate a big bowl of pudding every day?”. The boy replied, “No. It’s because he minded his own business”.
  • Knock Knock… Who’s there? Pudding! Pudding who? Pudding on your shoes before your trousers is a bad idea!

National Chocolate Pudding Day Quotes

  • “Your face makes my soul want to eat chocolate pudding!” – Andy Milonakis
  • “The first bowl of chocolate pudding was too hot, but Goldilocks ate it all anyway because, hey, it’s chocolate pudding, right?” – Mo Willems, Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs
  • “I would snack on crisps and chocolate and my meals weren’t the best. I ate lots of steak with creamy sauces, chips and peas, washed down with wine and a pudding”. – Jennifer Ellison

National Chocolate Pudding Day Destinations

  • Visit Grandma, and convince her to make you chocolate pudding like she did when she was a kid!
  • Visit the Jell-O Gallery Museum in Le Roy, New York, and ask about Jell-O chocolate pudding!
  • Drive to the Little Pie Company in New York City, and order their deliciously famous chocolate pudding pie!
  • Stay home, and make your own pudding with this recipe!

This holiday has also been called: Chocolate Pudding Day and International Chocolate Pudding Day.

June 26th is also National Beautician’s Day and National Toothbrush Day!

National Chocolate Pudding Day is celebrated in June which is: Adopt-A-Cat Month, Fight the Filthy Fly Month, Great Outdoors Month, LGBT Pride Month, National Accordion Awareness Month, National Candy Month, National Dairy Month, National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month, National Rose Month, National Turkey Lovers’ Month, and National Zoo and Aquarium Month!

When is National Chocolate Pudding Day in 2024?

National Chocolate Pudding Day is observed on June 26 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Wednesday June 26 2024
Thursday June 26 2025
Friday June 26 2026
Saturday June 26 2027
Monday June 26 2028
Tuesday June 26 2029

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