National Cherry Popover Day - September 1
Sun, Sep 1, 2024

National Cherry Popover Day

National Cherry Popover Day is a holiday dedicated to a wonderful dessert that, compared to other sweets, is not as high in calories. You don’t have to wait until September to enjoy a cherry popover; you can savor it any day.


The origin of National Cherry Popover Day is unknown, but let’s delve into the history of the dessert itself. Popovers are similar to British Yorkshire pudding and are baked in special cupcake molds, often with various berries and chocolate added as fillings. It is believed that popovers first appeared in America around 1850, with the earliest mention dating back to then. The dessert recipe was suggested by E. Stewart, a Catholic politician who advocated for free schools. In 1876, popovers were featured in the book “Practical Cookery.” One of the popular establishments where this dessert was prepared was Jones Pond House, frequented by lovers of this niche treat in the early 19th century.

Interesting Facts

  • Popovers are so named because during the baking process, they seem to pop out of the mold.
  • The sweetness of popovers is enhanced by their lush dough.
  • Traditionally, cherry popovers are served with tea or coffee, as well as with butter, whipped cream, or fruit.
  • The holiday calendar also includes days dedicated to blueberry and raspberry popovers.
  • For baking, you can use special popover molds or regular muffin pans.
  • Unlike American popovers, English Yorkshire pudding is traditionally served with meat dishes.

How to take part

The first thing that comes to mind is to indulge in popovers, so treat yourself to this delicious dessert. You can bake them yourself or buy ready-made ones. There are a vast number of recipes for these treats; choose your favorite or try a new one. Organize a party, but find out in advance what flavors of popovers your friends prefer. Talk about the holiday on social networks to engage people in this wonderful event.

When is National Cherry Popover Day in 2024?

National Cherry Popover Day is observed on September 1 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday September 1 2024
Monday September 1 2025
Tuesday September 1 2026
Wednesday September 1 2027
Friday September 1 2028
Saturday September 1 2029

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