National Bunsen Burner Day - March 31
Mon, Mar 31, 2025

National Bunsen Burner Day

National Bunsen Burner Day is an annual American holiday commemorating the invention of the Bunsen burner. This device is now available in virtually any school laboratory. It is indispensable both in education and in scientific research. The holiday is observed on March 31.


There is no reliable information about the origin of National Bunsen Burner Day, but we know exactly when and under what circumstances the device was invented.

Robert Bunsen was born in 1811. As a student at the University of Göttingen, he devoted his energies to the study of natural sciences, particularly chemistry. The father of the future great chemist also studied there, focusing on philology, and worked as a librarian.

Bunsen’s knowledge of chemistry allowed him to create an antidote to arsenic at the age of 22. Thanks to this discovery, many people who were poisoned by the substance were saved.

In 1855, when Bunsen was working at Heidelberg University, he invented his legendary burner. At that time, gas was often used to illuminate rooms, and laboratory burners were frequently needed. However, the flame’s temperature was often too high and dangerous if used inappropriately. The device Bunsen developed solved these problems: depending on the incoming airflow, different types of flames were produced, varying in color and intensity.

Interesting facts

  • In 1857, R. Bunsen published a description of his device, which made it possible to put it into mass production.
  • The burner flame typically comes in 4 colors: bright yellow, reddish, purple, and greenish. It looks fascinating!
  • Thanks to the Bunsen burner, various tests and studies can be conducted, including determining boiling points, distillation, sample combustion, thermal decomposition, and more.

How to celebrate

Learn more about the Bunsen burner mechanism and the inventions that became possible because of this device. Watch a video demonstrating how the burner is used.

Spread the word on social media. Ask users if they used Bunsen burners in high school or university.

When is National Bunsen Burner Day in 2025?

National Bunsen Burner Day is observed on March 31 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Monday March 31 2025
Tuesday March 31 2026
Wednesday March 31 2027
Friday March 31 2028
Saturday March 31 2029