National Backward Day - January 31
Fri, Jan 31, 2025

National Backward Day

National Backward Day makes you question everything that humanity knows. It pushes you out of your comfort zone for a while and encourages you to try something completely new. This crazy experience can be quite rewarding, showing how multifaceted the world is.


The holiday has its origins in antiquity. Similar traditions appeared long before its unofficial proclamation. In Rome, there was a special day called “Saturnalia.” It is named after the god Saturn, during whose reign harmony and peace reigned on earth. The celebrations continued for several weeks, and the world changed noticeably. People received the long-awaited freedom, gambling was allowed, and the poor were not obliged to serve their masters. They could calmly state their claims without fear of punishment.

Similar holidays existed in other cultures. They were needed to get rid of negative emotions, the manifestation of primitive savagery, and the fight against social norms. Some people tend to think that National Backward Day is silly entertainment for weirdos, but in fact, it opens up new concepts and allows you to see the essence of familiar things.

The creators of the holiday are considered to be two women – M. Scott and S. Miller. In 1961, they spent time on a farm and thought about what to do with themselves. On the evening of January 29, they decided to come up with a day when everything would be the other way around. The townspeople learned about it only after two days, but surprisingly, everyone liked the idea.

Fun Facts

  1. Changing routines can improve performance. According to research, students who changed their habits completed their homework much faster and even found time to rest.
  2. All people on Earth are used to peeling bananas from top to bottom, but, according to some scientists, it should be done the other way around.
  3. Many music fans have concluded that performers deliberately leave hidden clues in their creations. You can find them if you listen to the song in reverse order.
  4. In the 15th century, Leonardo da Vinci came up with an incredible idea. He invented the technique of “mirror writing,” where he drew the text backward and then stood in front of a reflective surface to check its correctness.

How to Celebrate

Today it will be enough to change your principles to take part in the celebration. You can put your clothes on backward, completely change your diet, try to talk backward, and make a bet with your friends, challenging each other to see who will be the first to make a mistake in using words backward.

When is National Backward Day in 2025?

National Backward Day is observed on January 31 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Friday January 31 2025
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