Marine Corps Birthday - November 10
Sun, Nov 10, 2024

Marine Corps Birthday

The Marine Corps Birthday is a holiday filled with courage and bold deeds, each year on November 10th. It was established in 1921 by the US government to express its gratitude to all who serve in the Marine Corps. These brave soldiers protect the freedom, independence, and inviolability of the United States from the moment it was founded.


The Marine Corps Birthday covers the entire Marine Corps, with 186,000 military personnel and 38,500 reservists. It commemorates the formation of the Marine Corps on November 10, 1775. The military was tasked with intercepting an important shipment of ammunition from Britain and was initially called the Continental Marines. They were charged with providing security for the newly formed Continental Fleet.

The first commander of the Marine Corps, Samuel Nicholas, planned to call on only 2,100 military personnel, but the number of active troops of the Continental Army increased to 80,000. At the same time, a resolution was passed to form a reserve force of the Marine Corps.

Interesting Facts

  • One of the tasks the military marines were meant to take part in was the annexation of Scotland, although this never happened.
  • After participating in various conflicts, the Continental Marines were disbanded and the department temporarily ceased to exist until 1794.
  • In 1794, Congress passed a law to revive the Marine Corps, as well as the Navy, to demonstrate America’s presence and protect against pirates.
  • The US Navy was separated into a distinct military unit in 1798, with the Marine Corps officially established on July 11 that same year.

How to Take Part

To mark the celebration of the Marine Corps Birthday, you can visit the Marine Corps War Memorial, a statue located between the cities of Arlington, Virginia, and Washington, DC. The memorial depicts the Marines raising the American flag on a mountaintop during the Battle of Iwo Jima. You can also write a thank-you post on social media to the Marines, expressing your respect for their hard work.

When is Marine Corps Birthday in 2024?

Marine Corps Birthday is observed on November 10 each year.


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