International Day of Charity - September 5
Thu, Sep 5, 2024

International Day of Charity

International Day of Charity is a holiday that was declared international by the UN in 2021. Originally, on September 5, this day was commemorated in Hungary in memory of Mother Teresa and her lifelong efforts to alleviate poverty and suffering. The International Day of Charity encourages widespread participation in charitable activities.


The International Day of Charity honors Mother Teresa, who was born in 1910 in what was then the Ottoman Empire. At age 12, she fully devoted herself to religion and aiding others. At 18, she left home to study, learn English, and become a Catholic nun. She began her charitable work in India in 1948, after becoming a citizen, opening several shelters, homes for the terminally ill, and orphanages. Her organization gradually expanded worldwide.

Interesting Facts

  • Mother Teresa died on September 5, 1997, which is why this day was chosen for the International Day of Charity.
  • The Hungarian Parliament first established the International Day of Charity to honor Mother Teresa’s remarkable life; later, the initiative was adopted by the UN.
  • December is the month when people make the most donations.
  • Australia is considered the most charitable country in the world.
  • Statistics show that women are more likely to engage in charity work than men.

How to Take Part

With numerous charitable organizations worldwide, choose one to support financially or volunteer your time. Even small acts of charity can alleviate humanitarian crises, strengthen society, and foster unity. Volunteer in memory of Mother Teresa, helping the needy, disadvantaged, and poor. Participate in one of the many available charity events.

When is International Day of Charity in 2024?

International Day of Charity is observed on September 5 each year.


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Thursday September 5 2024
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Saturday September 5 2026
Tuesday September 5 2027
Wednesday September 5 2028
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