Global Fat Bike Day - December
Sat, Dec 2, 2023

Global Fat Bike Day

Global Fat Bike Day is celebrated on the first Saturday of December in America and is dedicated to everyone who loves to ride a fat bike. The date is specially marked on a weekend so that the holiday can be properly celebrated! Join now and celebrate the joy of riding a fat bike!


Fat Bikes are stylish and eye-catching. They are ideal for any weather and allow you to overcome any obstacles! Thick tires provide the bike with a unique look and appeal. Information about such a bicycle first appeared in 1932 – a picture of it was printed in an American newspaper. However, readers did not take the bike seriously, thinking it was a joke.

The fat bike was officially created in the 1990s by one craftsman, Mark Grunwald, who managed to stretch the tires to the size of the rim. It happened in Alaska, where winter is long, and classic bikes can’t be ridden. This invention quickly gained popularity, and today, many brands produce models, add new components, and improve the design.

Interesting facts

  • The lack of depreciation is not a problem – solid wheels literally absorb bumps and bumps in the track.
  • For a constant speed of 25-30 km/h, more effort is needed than on a regular bike. Fat bikes are not designed for speed, they are like an SUV!
  • The design may seem rough and unwieldy, but it’s not when you ride it for the first time.

How to take part

Ride a bike! If you have your own fat bike, great! Otherwise, it’s easy to rent one. Get together with friends and create a race, competition, or just a fun walk around the area. Explore different areas in sustainable transportation!

When is Global Fat Bike Day celebrated in 2023?

Global Fat Bike Day is observed on the first Saturday of December each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Saturday December 2 2023
Saturday December 7 2024
Saturday December 6 2025
Saturday December 5 2026

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