Eat What You Want Day - May 11
Sun, May 11, 2025

Eat What You Want Day

People often limit their food intake to lose weight or avoid greasy, fried foods. However, on May 11, Eat What You Want Day provides a chance to indulge in your favorite dishes. This day is an opportunity to enjoy delicious grilled meat with a side of fried potatoes and a delightful dessert. Forget about calories and savor a feast of mouthwatering foods!


The first literary work on the principles of healthy eating was published in 1558 by Italian nobleman L. Cornaro. In 1860, William Banting developed the first modern diet, which attracted those looking to lose weight. By 1921, a new diet emerged that allowed high-fat foods while banning carbohydrates. In those early days, strict dietary rules did not impress those with extra weight. However, a century later, diets became more popular.

Interesting Facts

If there were no restrictions on daily calorie intake, Americans would consume more chips, Italian and Mexican cuisine, cakes, ice cream, hamburgers, French fries, chocolate, donuts, cheese, and crackers.

  1. This holiday offers long-awaited freedom from strict limits, providing a special feeling of indulgence. It also helps athletes reboot and recover after extended periods of dieting.
  2. The day encourages spontaneous action. Many Americans visit restaurants they typically avoid during the workweek, indulging in long-forgotten fatty or sweet dishes.

Keep in mind, however, that diets can be harmful if not chosen carefully. Always consult your doctor to prevent digestive issues, nutrient deficiencies, and hormonal imbalances. On this holiday, let go of restrictions and treat yourself to your favorite foods!

When is Eat What You Want Day in 2025?

Eat What You Want Day is observed on May 11 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday May 11 2025
Monday May 11 2026
Tuesday May 11 2027
Thursday May 11 2028
Friday May 11 2029

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