Denim Day - April
Wed, Apr 30, 2025

Denim Day is a worldwide observance dedicated to supporting victims of sexual violence. It is held annually on the last Wednesday of April. How is this day connected with the popular fabric denim, from which shirts, jeans, and other clothing items are made? Let’s find out!


The story of Denim Day begins with the events of the summer of 1998. An 18-year-old girl in Italy was raped by her driving instructor. While the court initially found him guilty, he was later released on appeal. The appeal argued that the encounter was consensual because, according to the defendant, the tight jeans the victim was wearing could not have been removed without her help. This flawed reasoning led to his release. The following day, women in the Italian Parliament wore tight jeans to work to express their solidarity with the victim and protest the overturned conviction. Since then, Denim Day has been observed annually, including in the United States.

Denim Day emerged from this event, and denim itself has become a symbol of protest against the misconceptions surrounding sexual assault and a show of support for all victims of sexual violence.

Important Facts

  • In 80% of cases, victims of sexual violence require psychological assistance due to the traumatic nature of the experience, which can lead to issues such as neurosis, depression, panic attacks, and anxiety.
  • Statistically, only 4 out of 1,000 cases of sexual assault result in a conviction. This low rate is often due to intimidation, personal fear of being stigmatized, and the high chance of acquittal if the perpetrator has strong legal representation.
  • Each year, more than 30,000 unplanned pregnancies occur as a result of rape.

How to Celebrate

Learn more about the statistics related to sexual violence in your state or country. Reflect on whether anyone you know has been a victim of sexual violence and whether they were able to obtain justice.

Raise awareness about the day on social media. The more people know about it, the more support we can give to those who need it.

When is Denim Day in 2025?

Denim Day is observed on the last Wednesday of April.


Weekday Month Day Year
Wednesday April 30 2025
Wednesday April 29 2026
Wednesday April 28 2027
Wednesday April 26 2028
Wednesday April 25 2029

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