Candlemas - February 2
Sun, Feb 2, 2025

Candlemas is an American Christian holiday annually on February 2nd. Divine services are held in churches, and people light their candles to receive a blessing.


The Christian holiday Candlemas is one of the oldest. The first mention of its celebration dates back to the 4th century AD in Jerusalem. Its spread across the territory of modern Europe and subsequently the United States is connected with one story.

There was an outbreak of plague in Europe around 540 AD. Constantinople suffered especially from it. The epidemic literally claimed the lives of thousands of people in a very short period of time. During the celebration of Candlemas in the city, the ruler Justinian the Great ordered large-scale prayer processions to be organized, and all parishioners had to hold a lit candle. Thus, it was believed that the prayers of people would reach God, and he would help get rid of the deadly infection. After the plague epidemic subsided, the holiday spread throughout the Roman Empire, eventually reaching other countries.

The appearance of the holiday in the United States is correlated with the 19th century, when the Christian faith was actively spreading in the country. Today, many folk beliefs are associated with this holiday. It is believed that if the weather is clear on this day, and the sun comes out in the morning, then we should expect the imminent arrival of spring.

Interesting facts

  • The word “candlemas” should be understood as “meeting.” This follows from biblical tales, when the infant Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem was met by the elder Simeon and the prophetess Anna.
  • In folk beliefs, Candlemas is perceived as a meeting of winter and spring. According to the weather on that day, people would predict the imminent arrival of warmth or the continuation of a cold winter.

How to celebrate

Attend church services held on Candlemas. Be sure to light a candle and read the prayers. Keep a close eye on the weather today. Try to predict how soon spring will come this year.

Share about the holiday on social networks. Ask other users how they spend their day.

When is Candlemas in 2025?

Candlemas is observed on February 2 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday February 2 2025
Monday February 2 2026
Tuesday February 2 2027
Wednesday February 2 2028
Friday February 2 2029

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