Southern Food Heritage Day - October 11
Wed, Oct 11, 2023

Southern Food Heritage Day

Southern Food Heritage Day is celebrated annually on October 11th. It commemorates the unique and diverse cuisine that has been formed in the Southern United States. It is a combination of different culinary cultures and traditions, including Scottish, French, German, Native American, and African cuisines.


Tomatoes, zucchini, and corn are some of the products traditionally used for cooking in the Southern regions of the United States. Southern cuisine also includes unique cooking methods, such as deep pit barbecuing. Many of the local recipes originated with Southeast Indian tribes such as the Choctaw, Caddo, and Seminole. Most products derived from flour, sugar, milk, and eggs have European roots.

Southern food can be divided into several categories: “Creole food”, which has a French flavor, “Cajun cuisine,” which has become a reflection of the traditions of Canadian immigrants, and “soul food”, which has a strong influence of African culinary traditions, often using rice, vegetables, and peanuts. Appalachians eat mostly canned meats and vegetables. Native Americans brought corn to Southern cuisine.

Interesting facts

  • In 1860, after emancipation from slavery, the southern diet became more varied.
  • Southern dishes began gaining popularity in restaurants in the 1940s.
  • In 1964, the term “soul food” first appeared.

How to take part

You can celebrate this day by gathering friends or relatives and cooking traditional recipes. You can also experiment and try to add something new. If you don’t feel like cooking, you can head to the nearest Southern-themed restaurant and order classics like pie or fried chicken. However, it is best to have a barbecue, as this is an integral part of the southern culinary heritage. Grill meat with vegetables and serve with your favorite sauce.

When is Southern Food Heritage Day Celebrated in 2023?

Southern Food Heritage Day is devoted to celebrating cheerfulness and fun. It happens annually on October the 11th each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Wednesday October 11 2023
Friday October 11 2024
Saturday October 11 2025
Sunday October 11 2026

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